Anne Munro mustering on horseback

Anne Munro Meat and Wool Candidate

I believe farmers deserve someone on Beef + Lamb who is there to serve the levy-paying farmers, to listen to them, and to be accountable for how their money is spent.

If you would like to talk to me about any issues you have please give me a call on 03 685 5772 or Email me.

Anne Munro

Beef + Lamb New Zealand


The following is from a recent Beef + Lamb presentation I made in Oamaru:

Who would be a sheep & beef farmer?
Is it because its a family tradition? and it is expected of you?
Is it where you farm? and its a case there's not the alternatives.
Do you like farming sheep & beef?
Would you be happier doing something else.
Say, real estate, motel operator, bank manager, politician?

Its all about choices. Your choices.
You are a sheep or beef farmer because you choose to be.
The old kiwi saying. NZ lives off the sheep's back. Yehrrr right..... now, we're not so sure and with our questioning comes the erosion of our confidence.

As you prepare for a new seasons crop of calves & lambs. Are you choosing to look at your lot as a glass ½ empty or a glass ½ full. I'm a strong believer that where the mind goes the man follows. Right now your attitude as to how you are approaching this coming season will determine for you, the outcome of the season.

Having recently been privileged to spend seven weeks in South America, I personally have decided that our lot here in NZ no matter how bad we think it can get is truly not so bad at all. I find the responsibility of looking after your interests almost overwhelming...... and all I can say to you is that as a fellow sheep & beef farmer I pledge to do my best for you.

To find out my views on what Beef + Lamb are doing to change things please download the following PDF



Upcoming Beef + Lamb New Zealand Events
There are a number of interesting events on the horizon. Keep an eye on Beef + Lamb New Zealand's Events Calendar click here.

Earthquake Recovery

If you need assistance or information please contact the Rural Recovery Group on 03 347 2800 or 03 318 8338. Or visit the Rural Recovery Group pages on the Selwyn District Council website.

Snow Issues
Beef + Lamb New Zealand has some resources that may be of use if you have been affected by the recent snowfalls: click here.

Pasture Renewal Calculator now available
on line
under resources.

The Canterbury Ballance Farm Environment Awards are now open for entries for the 2011
awards. It's easy to enter, simply fill in an entry form online by clicking here.

Beef + Lamb New Zealand Central Progeny Test.
The CPT aims to help identify the best genetics across sheep breeds. The latest results are now available click here.

Alliance Group Limited - Research into Lamb Meat Quality click here for more.

Land and Environmental Toolkits
- available from Beef + Lamb New Zealand. To obtain a kit,
ring 0800 beeflamb, or email.

Sustainable Farming Fund
2011 funding round is now open - click here to find out more.

Flockfinder - a new tool from Beef + Lamb
New Zealand to help you find ram breeders - click here for more information.